What is the state of America’s child care system and how are parents who work in child care settings faring?
How are low wages, high turnover, and other factors impacting the quality of care infants and toddlers receive?
Hear from four families who work in the child care sector about the challenges they have faced in accessing care and running businesses that provide care.
- Jenny Castillo, Bentonville, Arkansas
- Ilia Gilligan, Williston, Vermont
- Valencia Nelson, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Amber Osowski, Grafton, North Dakota
- Miriam Calderón, ZERO TO THREE (Moderator)
As a mom, I had to quit my job and open my own child care to find the quality care I demanded. As the owner I struggle to provide the best care I can because this industry is still looked at as glorified babysitting.
Amber Osowski, Grafton, North Dakota
Election Resources
- Download ZERO TO THREE’s Think BabiesTM Election Toolkit. Use the Toolkit to educate candidates about issues impacting babies and bring attention to the issues that directly impact infants and toddlers in your community
- Make sure you have what you need to #ThinkBabiesandVote! Check your voter registration and know your state’s identification requirements.