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I-LABS: Free Online Training Modules for Professionals and Parents

If you have 20 minutes and an internet connection, check out the free online library of training modules on early childhood development. Developed by the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS) at the University of Washington, the modules are designed to help parents and early learning professionals make the most of everyday interactions with children.

Covering topics from how young children learn through imitation to ways to support early language development, the I-LABS modules provide context and background to help users think about each topic within the larger landscape of child development. For example, “Bilingual Language Development” reviews the research on bilingual children’s language learning and brain development as well as the benefits of learning multiple languages. This information also addresses the variations of bilingualism, such as when children learn a second language (From birth? At school?) and the amount of exposure in each language (50% / 50%? 70% / 30%?). “Great content, simply delivered” said one user, echoing other feedback the modules have received since the library was launched in 2014.

There are about a dozen modules available so far, with many more to come. Five of the modules are also available in Spanish, and Vietnamese and Somali modules will be released in the fall of 2016. See them online: http://modules.ilabs.uw.edu/outreach-modules. The online library is part of I-LABS’ mission to communicate the latest science of child development to people who can apply the findings to their work with children.

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