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Findings and Recommendations for Cross-Sector Work in the Prenatal to Age 5 Workforce

The evaluation findings of the Prenatal to Age 5 Workforce Development (P-5 WFD) Project identified a need for foundational Core Competencies to promote and support the work of prenatal to age 5 (p-5) professionals as they move toward a cross-sector approach.

The project aimed to develop shared knowledge and a common language among p-5 professionals as well as to strengthen their capacity to engage in cross-sector efforts through training in the Cross-Sector Core Competencies for the Prenatal to Age 5 Field™. The evaluation findings suggest training in the Core Competencies can help professionals realize the need for core competencies and the need for cross-sector collaboration and communication among p-5 professionals. Evaluation findings also demonstrate that the training leads to attempts to promote cross-agency collaboration, cooperation, and communication and action planning efforts to put training content into practice.

Download the full report to learn more about the evaluation findings and recommendations that emerged as part of the evaluation.

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