Learn more about how early connections last a lifetime.
Popular Resources
Is pregnancy an optimal time to treat maternal depression?
Maternal depression affects both mother and child and has significant long-term negative effects on infant development and child mental health.
Buzzwords Explained: Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma-informed care gives kids security. Whether in classroom or clinical settings, learn more about responsive care for children who have experienced trauma.
What do mental health issues in young children look like?
Babies and toddlers can and do suffer from mental health problems caused by trauma, neglect, biological factors, or environmental situations.
Good Question
Why is child care so expensive?
The cost of infant-toddler care is a significant concern for many families across the country. Here are the top five reasons why child care is so expensive.
Understanding Brain Development in Babies and Toddlers
The first three years of life are a critical period in development. Read more about understanding brain development in babies and toddlers.
Open Letter
Why I Traveled 2,000 Miles to Advocate for Quality, Affordable Child Care
A typical working mom struggling to find child care, Amy joined Strolling Thunder and took her story to Capitol Hill to encourage Congress to Think Babies.
The Case for Better Compensation of Early Educators
Despite the immense importance of their work, early childhood educators often face inadequate compensation and undervaluation in society.
What does an early childhood professional do?
There are multiple roles that early childhood professionals play in creating a better future for children.
Field Study
How Early Childhood Educators Make the Most of Everyday Moments
Early childhood educators are alongside families celebrating milestones, comforting through challenging moments and providing enriching experiences.
What does trauma do to a baby’s brain?
Trauma can greatly impact the developing and vulnerable minds of young children aged 0-3. However, the impact of trauma can vary depending on some key factors.
Yes, Mental Health Includes Babies
The perinatal period and a baby's first few years of life are critical for lifelong mental health.
Strengthening Families with Infants and Toddlers: A Policy Framework for States
States can implement a continuum of formal and informal community-based prevention and intervention strategies to reach all children and families that need support.
The Earliest, a New Podcast from ZERO TO THREE
The Earliest takes a deep and personal look into mental health in the earliest years of life.