Each Day, Parents Drop Off “Their Heart”

It's no longer just a job. It's taking care of somebody's heart.

While working as a child care provider, Masele recalls one mother who had a hard time dropping her child off every day. Masele took the time to get to know the parent and discuss her feelings.

She explained the reason she stays is because her child is her heart. And every time she drops off her child, she drops off her heart to us.

This is a story Masele shares with the teachers at her center because she says it’s an experience that completely changed the way she viewed her job and the early childhood field. She encourages other providers that even through any challenging behaviors, it’s important to remember the child is “someone’s heart” they are dropping off.

Learn more about ZERO TO THREE’s work to empower child care providers and make quality, affordable child care accessible for all families.

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Child Welfare
Altering the Course
I thought if I went to a treatment center I would lose my kid. If we can find parents help before they enter the child welfare system, it's going to help in the long-run.