Mr. Aksakoglu is committed to bringing early childhood to national attention in Turkey—with a focus on analyzing data, measuring the effectiveness of interventions, and championing the needs of young children. His current work with the Bernard van Leer Foundation involves supporting municipalities in Istanbul to provide services for birth-3 year olds and creating awareness on the importance of early childhood among different stakeholders. In the past, he has worked with both the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation and Istanbul Bilgi University’s NGO Training and Research Center. Mr. Aksakoglu has developed and implemented training programs and provided support to additional organizations as a consultant. He completed his undergraduate degree at Yildiz Technical University’s Civil Engineering Faculty. He received his MSc degree from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences at NGO Management with the Chevening Scholarship. He completed the postgraduate degree on International Cooperation and Development at the Barcelona University. Mr. Aksakoglu’s mission is to transform systems, programs, and policies that impact the lives of infants, toddlers, and their families. He is the father of two young girls.