ZERO TO THREE and the Bezos Family Foundation are excited to share the findings from a comprehensive research effort of parents of children aged birth to five.

Almost all parents feel judged, almost all the time.

Tuning In: Parents of Young Children Tell Us What They Think, Know and Need showed that nearly 9 in 10 parents across the board feel judged (90 percent moms and 85 percent dads), and almost half say they feel judged all the time or nearly all the time (46 percent moms; 45 percent dads).

The problem is that judging and criticizing parents only causes them more stress and makes it less likely they will be the best parent they can be. Parents need compassion and support, not criticism.

To address the judgment parents feel, ZERO TO THREE has created resources designed to help raise awareness about the pressure parents feel.

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Wait, there's more survey. ✅

Explore more resources from ZERO TO THREE's national parent survey.