Books to Help Children Navigate Feelings: Holdin Pott
A story to help children and grown-ups start difficult conversations and snuggle in closer together.
Interoception is a sense that helps you feel and understand what’s going on in your body.
Interoceptive awareness refers to our ability to notice, recognize, identify and interpret the body’s signals, including hunger, thirst, pain, internal temperature, and the need to use the bathroom.
Interoception is vital to the state of internal body balance known as homeostasis.
Books to Help Children Navigate Feelings: Holdin Pott
A story to help children and grown-ups start difficult conversations and snuggle in closer together.
Linking Sensory Integration and Mental Health
Learn about the vital role early childhood professionals play in helping infants and young children with sensory processing difficulties interact with their environments and the significant people and relationships in them.
Dig deeper into early development in our upcoming trainings of The Growing Brain.
Our innovative training focuses on giving trainers evidence-informed strategies with which to prepare early childhood providers for their vital role in building healthy brains.