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How can including parent voice change the trajectory of a baby involved in child welfare?

Hear from Safe Babies parent leaders how integrating parent voice helps families and children involved in the child welfare system.

Why parent voice?

Parent leaders are parents who have navigated the reunification process within the child welfare system. Their focus is on incorporating parent perspectives at the child welfare and court systems level. They serve as a parent voice to help shape the direction of services for themselves and other families.

They are parents who have navigated the child welfare system, understand how it works, have no open case, and demonstrate personal and family stability.

Why parent leadership?

  • Give voice to parent experience in the early childhood system 
  • Integrate parent voice into policy and practice 
  • Increase involvement and decision-making power 
Parent leaders are vital for stronger early childhood systems.

If we listen to parents more, we understand that every child has unique needs and are able to identify resources and supports to help families be successful.

A parent’s voice is what shapes every child. A parent’s ability to express emotion, show affection and actively support and nurture their child directly impacts the trajectory that child will follow.

I alone know my child’s needs, fears and insecurities. I am his greatest support and ally and I need to be his voice when he does not know yet how to use it. When parent voice is lifted, children succeed. It is our responsibility as a community to raise every child by listening to their most trusted protector. If we listen to parents more, we understand that every child has unique needs and are able to identify resources and supports to help families be successful. 

An empowered parent invests in their child’s future, a supported parent can be present for their child and a healing parent can heal their child.

Parent voice lifts the perspective of what families need to support their children. They speak to what’s missing, what can work better and what they need as parents to guide and provide for their children.

Resources created and informed by parent voice can shed light on the true day-to-day experience and struggles families face. Help me to be the best parent I can be, listen to what I need, my struggles, my fears, my strengths. Hear what my community needs, what they have and what is missing.

When a Parent feels supported by their community, their neighborhood, their school district, when the have access to what they need they can be the best versions of themselves. An empowered parent invests in their child’s future, a supported parent can be present for their child and a healing parent can heal their child. 

Parent voice gives children a voice.

Parent voice gives children a voice. Everyone comes from a different way of life, and parents sitting at the table can advocate for these different experiences. These experiences may include race, religion, history, region, background, health, nationality, economics and much more.

Next Up
Meeting Families Where They Are: My Journey to Help Transform Child Welfare
Safe Babies TA Specialist, Andria Peek, reflects on the work she does and how her role contributes to the larger goal of transforming the child welfare system.