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Preparing and Providing Testimony to Help Courts Understand the Importance of the Parent-Child Relationship

This webinar will address different ways that clinicians can prepare for and share information during SBCT hearings and Family Team meetings.
Preparing and Providing Testimony to Help Courts Understand the Importance of the Parent-Child Relationship

It is important that clinicians and others who are part of the Infant-Toddler Court Team understand the importance of relationship based therapeutic work to support the young child and parent or caregiver.

Because young children in child welfare have been “hurt” in the relationship, it also needs to be recognized that they can “heal” through a supportive relationship. The webinar will help all involved with the Infant-Toddler Court Team, including the court, understand the importance of relationship based therapeutic approaches that are used to understand and support the child, parent, and the relationship. This webinar will address different ways that clinicians can prepare for and share information during SBCT hearings and Family Team meetings. The presentation will include information related to what to expect and how to create meaning for the court about the importance of therapeutic work with the young child, parent, and caregivers including resource and foster parents.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be provided information about the therapeutic work done with young children and parents and why it is important.
  2. Participants will learn what to expect and how to prepare for Infant-Toddler Court Team hearings.
  3. Listeners will understand about the importance of evaluators and clinicians sharing information about the child, parent and relationship during Family Team meetings and court hearings.
  4. Ideas will be presented about ways that the relationship with the parent can be maintained while still sharing important information about the progress of therapeutic work with the child and parent in court and at Family Team meetings.

Presentation – Preparing and Providing Testimony to Help Courts Understand the Importance of the Parent-Child Relationship


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