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Trauma-Informed Child and Family Service Systems

mom with child talks with doctor at home

The effects of trauma on infant and early childhood mental health are under-recognized mainly because most people still believe that children of this age are too young to be impacted by trauma exposure, and, if they do show some concerning behaviors, they will “grow out of it.”

For these reasons, the process of developing trauma-informed approaches, integrating these approaches into child-serving systems, and including them in service and treatment settings has been a slow one. However, burgeoning knowledge about brain development, the immediate and long-term impact of trauma in early life, and toxic stress is rapidly changing both the knowledge base and the field. The resources listed below will help you learn about available materials and programs that promote more comprehensive trauma-informed child and family service systems.

Trauma-Informed Family Systems: Webinar Series

These behavioral health webinars were developed by Dr. Joy Osofsky to provide more information and support for judges, child welfare, mental health, education and other systems that work with traumatized children. The topics include:

Early trauma can impact lifelong learning, mental and physical health, and development.


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