Take a look inside the July 2019 issue of the ZERO TO THREE Journal.

Released bi-monthly, each issue of the ZERO TO THREE Journal focuses on a critical topic within the early childhood development field. Journal articles are carefully composed to present current knowledge, latest research, and practical advice to help early childhood professionals do their best work in support of infants and toddlers.
Editor’s Notes | This Issue and Why it Matters
Stefanie Powers | Editor

For this issue of the ZERO TO THREE Journal, the 9th edition of our Stories From the Field series, the articles explore a range of supports and services in a variety of settings: early intervention, home visiting, pediatric inpatient and outpatient settings, family child care, a homeless shelter, and immigrant and refugee families. Although different settings bring different challenges, and every child and family deals with unique strengths and obstacles, the articles collectively illustrate a number of common themes, most notably:
- Young children bring a complexity to the process of evaluation and diagnosis, and both parents and providers must grapple with the impact of uncertainty while navigating the path forward.
- There is a pressing need for relationship-based and trauma-informed approaches to evaluation and treatment across service systems, and at all levels of care.
- Successful partnerships across service sectors, including the research community, are fundamental to quality services and ongoing program improvement.
Sharing our stories, both the successful outcomes and the hurdles we face, allows for a deeper understanding of how to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and their families. We hope these articles will provoke and inspire readers to consider new ways of engaging with clients and colleagues. If you have a story to share, and are interested in writing for the ZERO TO THREE Journal, please reach out to me by email.
Summer is a great time to delve into a good book, and we hope you will join us for ZERO TO THREE’s Summer Book Club! Each month participants discuss a featured ZERO TO THREE publication on Member Connect, and engage with authors in live chat sessions. Learn more and sign up.
Finally, registration is open for ZERO TO THREE’s Annual Conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2–4, 2019. Visit zerotothree.org/annualconference for all the details.
Table of Contents

FREE Featured Article
Take a look inside this issue and read our featured article, Experiences of Infant Mental Health Home Visiting Professionals in Challenging and High-Risk Environments by Karol Wilson, Claire Robinson, Amber Donahue, Michele Hall, Nancy Roycraft, and Carla Barron.
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