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Chandra Ghosh Ippen

Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program, University of California, San Francisco

Chandra Ghosh Ippen, PhD, is Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program at University of California, San Francisco, and Director of Dissemination and Implementation for Child-Parent Psychotherapy. Dr. Ghosh Ippen is a member of ZERO TO THREE’s Board.

Contributions to the Field

Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen is the author and co-author of over 20 publications and manuals related to trauma and diversity-informed practice, including Don’t Hit My Mommy (2005), and Losing a Parent to Death: Guidelines for the Treatment of Traumatic Bereavement in Infancy and Early Childhood (2003). She has worked on seven longitudinal studies and has conducted treatment outcome research on the effectiveness of psychosocial intervention programs with Spanish-speaking children and parents. Dr. Ghosh Ippen is also the director of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Measure Review Database, and producer and director of Vale la Pena Recordar, a Spanish language video on childhood traumatic grief.

As a first-generation East Indian/Japanese American, Dr. Ghosh Ippen is committed to examining how culture and context affect perception and mental health systems. She authored the chapter “The sociocultural context of infant mental health: Towards contextually congruent intervention,” which is part of the 3rd edition of the Handbook of Infant Mental Health, and co-authored the chapter “Rainbow of tears, souls full of hope: Cultural issues related to young children and trauma,” which discusses the importance of incorporating a cultural focus when working with young children who have experienced trauma. She also serves as the co-chair of the Cultural Competence Consortium of the NCTSN.

Dr. Ghosh Ippen received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Southern California in 1999 and completed pre- and postdoctoral fellowships at the University of California, San Francisco. In her spare time she bakes pies with her 11-year old son. She is on a mission to bake 1000 pies in her lifetime and a pie in each of the 50 states.


  • Infant Mental Health Journal, Reviewer
  • Journal of Traumatic Stress, Reviewer
  • Cultural Competence Consortium, National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Member and Co-Chair since November, 2007
  • Member, Measures Committee, National Child Traumatic Stress Network
  • Director, Measure Review Database Project, National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Recent Honors

  • David Rea Award for Excellence in Training, University of California, San Francisco 2009
  • Harris Visiting Scholar, University of Minnesota, 2008
  • Robert E. Harris Memorial Award, University of California, San Francisco, 2000

Recent Publications

  • Hagan, M.J., Gentry, M., Ippen, C.G., & Lieberman, A.F. (2018). PTSD With and Without Dissociation in Young Children Exposed to Interpersonal Trauma. Journal of Affective Disorders, 227, 536-541.
  • Hagan, M.J., Browne, D.T., Sulik, M., Ippen, C.G., Bush, N., & Lieberman, A.F. (2017). Parent and child trauma symptoms during Child-Parent Psychotherapy: A prospective cohort study of dyadic change. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 30(6), 690-697
  • Narayan, A. J., Ghosh Ippen, C., Harris, W. W., & Lieberman, A. F. (2017). Assessing Angels in the Nursery: A pilot study of childhood memories of benevolent caregiving as protective influences. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38(4), 461-474.
  • Smith Stover, C., Ghosh Ippen, C. , Liang, L., Briggs, E.C., & Berkowitz, S.J. (2017). An examination of partner violence, polyexposure, and mental health functioning in a sample of clinically-referred youth. Psychology of Violence. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/vio0000131offsite link
  • Lieberman, A.F., Ghosh Ippen, C., & Van Horn (2015). Don’t hit my mommy: A manual for ChildParent Psychotherapy with young children exposed to violence and other trauma, Second Edition. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.