What the mission means to Julie
What I love about ZERO TO THREE’s mission and heritage is our commitment to grounding our policy and practice work in the science of early childhood development. We are constantly learning about the first three years of life, from how the brain develops to the importance of early relationships and connections. ZERO TO THREE is unique in its singular focus on the healthy development of infants, toddlers, and their families. It is a privilege to work every day with policy experts, system leaders, practitioners, clinicians, researchers, and others who all share ZERO TO THREE’s focus and bring their unique expertise and perspectives to our collective mission.
Professional Background
During Julie’s 25-year career at ZERO TO THREE, and as a founding member of the ZERO TO THREE Policy Center, she has worked on a wide range of policy issues impacting infants and toddlers, most recently Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH). She was a member of the international expert workgroup that wrote DC:0-5™: Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood. Julie’s portfolio at ZERO TO THREE includes implementing strategic initiatives; conceptualizing new IECMH projects; overseeing and developing policy briefs, research briefs, state profiles, articles, guides, memos, blogs, and other resources on IECMH policy; and assisting policymakers and their staff as a technical resource. She is the author of numerous publications.
First trained as a clinical social worker where she worked with children and families in New York City, Julie expanded her studies to the field of child and family policy. Throughout her professional career, she has been a passionate advocate for supporting the healthy development of infants, toddlers, and their families. Julie previously worked at the National Association of Child Advocates where she focused on child welfare and early care and education. She also served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) working with children in the New York City child welfare system.
Julie received her BA from American University in Washington, DC, her MSW from Columbia University, and completed the two-year Infant/Family Clinical Practice program with the Harris Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Training Institute.
Future Vision
Julie looks forward to a future when all families who need mental health supports and services can receive them and pay for them. She is working to help make that future a reality by working with the IECMH Policy Team to ensure that state and federal policymakers, practitioners, and caregivers understand the importance of IECMH. When all stakeholders understand its importance, they understand why IECMH should be at the core of every policy and practice decision for infants, toddlers, and families.