Nana Esi Gaisie, MBChB/MD, is a ZERO TO THREE Fellow. She is a Pediatrics Staff Physician at the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital in Ghana.
Dr. Nana Esi Gaisie is a Ghanaian medical doctor who holds a master’s degree in International Child Development in developing countries. Her passion for children was kindled at 18 years of age when she served voluntarily at a school for children with mental impairments in Ghana. This experience influenced her greatly, and she decided to settle for a career offering her a platform to contribute to the care of children with special needs. She was, however, drawn to supporting the parents/guardians of such children, who always looked hopeless and helpless around their children.
Dr. Gaisie graduated from medical school in 2007 and has been working in her hospital’s pediatric department since 2010. At the University of Haifa in Israel in 2014, she learned that optimal care of children with special needs actually starts with their parents. She adopted and adapted the Building New Dreams intervention (with permission from the developers), for which she was awarded the most outstanding project work. She hopes to one day see this intervention introduced into the Ghanaian health system as part of the initial care given to children with special needs right after diagnosis.
Dr. Gaisie is a Master Trainer in Essential Newborn Care and a trainer in Child Protection among health workers. She is a speaker on TV and radio on infant and toddler issues and is a fearless child advocate in Ghana. She is an author, married with two wonderful children and serves as a Sunday school teacher in her church.