Home/Resources/A Professional Guide for Supporting Babies and Toddlers in Military Families

A Professional Guide for Supporting Babies and Toddlers in Military Families

This brochures focuses on the unique experience of parenting a baby or toddler, particularly during times of stress and separation that military families may be experiencing.
military dad with son carrying American flag

Supporting Babies and Toddlers in Military Families CoverYou may be an early childhood educator, a mental health provider, a health care provider, a home visitor, or in another family support role. This users’ guide is designed to help you use the Supporting Babies and Toddlers in Military Families brochure series in your work with families.

When you recognize and acknowledge the strengths of military parents and children, you give them resources they can use to draw upon and build. These brochures will support you in your vitally important work.

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