Home/Resources/Child Welfare/Recognizing and Responding to the Mental Health and Caregiver-Child Relationship: Needs for Medically-Complex Children in Care

Recognizing and Responding to the Mental Health and Caregiver-Child Relationship: Needs for Medically-Complex Children in Care

Better advocate for a balanced approach to meeting the health needs of medically complex children.
Man holds baby on couch

Supporting the health needs of medically complex children in foster care is frequently imbalanced; with significant attention paid to medical management of their illness and relatively less attention paid to the impact of their condition on mental health and the caregiver-child relationship. This presentation helps learners understand the connection between medical conditions and mental health symptoms in children and how this can lead to needs within the caregiver-child relationship. Learners will be empowered to better advocate for a balanced approach to meeting the health needs of this vulnerable population.

Presentation Deck
NCTSN Medical Trauma Toolkit


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